Read all about the latest news in Ballinamere

Adam Screeney called to our school

We had a very special visitor call to our school this week during our assembly. Adam Screeney called in and brought the Joe McDonagh Cup and the James Nowlan cup with him. It was a fantastic surprise for us all!

Junior and Senior Infant School Tour

Junior and senior infants went on their school tour to Tearaway's Pet Farm and Activity Centre. They has so much fun and all really enjoyed the day!

Playing in Croke Park!

Congratulations to Annie Mooney who played in Croke Park at half time during the Joe Mc Donagh Cup Final. She was kitted out in full Offaly gear with a beautifully commissioned jersey for the Joe Mc Donagh Cup. This jersey had all the Offaly school names printed on it. It was a wonderful opportunity for Annie. She had a fantastic day!

Camogie Final 2024

The camogie team competed in the Cumann na mBunscol Camogie A Final, in St. Brendan's Park, Birr on May 23rd. The girls played with great energy,  passion, determination and lots of skill! They never gave up! Thanks to all our supporters who cheered us on from the stand! We are very proud of the girls and their performance! Congratulations to St. Rynagh's who were victorious on the day!

First Holy Communion 2024

Congratulations to the girls and boys who received their First Holy Communion, last Saturday in the Church of the Assumption, Tullamore. 

Special thank you to Fr. Joe for the lovely ceremony and to Ms. Buggy, the class teacher, for preparing the children

Our choir were fantastic and added to the beautiful ceremony!  Thanks to Ms. Killeen and Miss O Sullivan for all their work !

A big thank you to everybody involved. 

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Bhí Seachtain na Gaeilge ar siúl an seachtain seo caite, Márta 11-15. Ghlac gach duine páirt! Ar an Luan bhí Tráth na gCeist againn. Bhíomar go léir ag damhsa ar an Máirt le Céilí Mór. D'éisteamar le Ceolchoirm Miss Killeen ar an Céadaoin. Ar an Déardaoin  d'imir gach rang cluichí agus gníomhaíochtaí suaimhneach. Bhí Lá Glas againn ar an Aoine. Is breá linn Seachtain na Gaeilge!

Chess Tournament

On Thursday 29th February we leaped into our first ever Feile Ficheall Chess Tournament. We hosted over 120 pupils and staff from Rochfortbridge, Miltownpass, Tyrellpass and Clonown in our school for a great day of friendly competition. We entered 2 teams in the Budding Masters section (3rd and 4th class) and another 2 teams in the Masters Section (5th and 6th class). The teams were selected following an internal school competition in November and December and received expert tuition from Natalia Strelcova in January and February in preparation. It is hoped that some of the players will now be invited to the Comortas Ficheall later in the year. We have to give special mention to our 3 TY students, Josh O’Brien Evan Murphy and Luke McRedmond who prepared the venue for the tournament.

The teams were: 

Budding Masters Section.

The Ballinamere Pawn Crackers: Finian Condron, Georgie Cleary Carroll, Kate Mooney, Cailin Guinan, Conor Goodings, Elsie Kilmartin, Robbie Wyer, Jason McKinney, Noah Dunne, Kritian Butnickis, Alan Oleszczuk

The Ballinamere Kings and Queens: Alex Thornton, Billy Marsden, Ava Harney, Tadhg Kenny, Eiveras Rastauskas, Jamie Healy, Cillian Tracey, Oisin Spollen

Masters Section.

The Ballinamere Bishops: Cian Boland, Holly Mooney, Daire Garvey, Halle Thornton, Lucy Kieran, Joe Haverty, David Guiney, Lucy Bell, Ross Spollen, Lily Morris

The Ballinamere Check Maters: Sam Jordan, Devon Molly, Daniel Sempere Strelcov, Tom Walsh, Annie Mooney, Jake Casey, Colman Condron, Lucy Marsden.

CUDA Quiz Final

Huge congratulations to our senior quiz team who competed in the CUDA Quiz final in Blanchardstown on March 2nd. There were 23 schools participating in the quiz. After ten rounds, we were one of three teams who were tied for first place! After taking part in two tie breaks, our wonderful quiz team came second!  A fantastic result! We are very proud of them! Comhghairdeas leo!

Quiz Success!

Congratulations to our Junior Team who were placed 4th in the Credit Union Quiz and to our Senior Team scooped top prize! Twenty three schools participated in the junior competition and 25 in the senior competition so this was a fantastic achievement. Well done to our pupils, their parents and teachers who supported them!

Best of luck to the Senior Team who will now go forward to compete in the CUDA final on March 2nd in Blanchardstown.

Credit Union Quiz

The Credit Union Quiz takes place in the Tullamore Court Hotel on Wednesday, 21st February.  Best of luck to the Junior and Senior Quiz teams!  Beir bua!

Vex IQ

Fifth and sixth class students took part in the Vex IQ Robotics competition that was held recently in Mucklagh. The students had been designing, building, and coding their robots since the start of the school year. In the competition they competed against many other schools in the county. They had a really enjoyable day and scooped the design award for their robot! Well done to all involved!

Sixth Class are Making a Difference!

Well done to 6th Class who raised €320 by donating some of their Confirmation money.  They chose 2 charities; Irish Heart Foundation and Crumlin Children's Hospital and gave €155 to each. 

Confirmation 2024

Congratulations to the children from sixth class who received their Confirmation on  27th January in the Church of the Assumption , Tullamore. 

Special thanks to Ms. Guest,  Ms. Quinn and Fr. Joe Campbell who prepared them so well for the sacrament.

Carol Singing in local Nursing Homes and Hospital

Our fifth and sixth class pupils recently visited two local nursing homes and Tullamore Hospital where everyone enjoyed their Christmas carol singing.

Ballinamere N.S. Chess Tournament 2023.

The school has joined the Ficheall schools chess organization recently and will be hosting a tournament for 120 chess players from other member schools in February.  In preparation for this we held a tournament for chess playing pupils in November and December.  In Ficheall players are divided in to Budding Masters (3rd and 4th Class) and Masters (5th and 6th Class).

In the Budding Masters Competition we had 21 competitors and in the Masters we had 25 players.  After 6 rounds of competition we had quarter finals, semi finals and then two very tense finals and 3rd /4th place play off.  In the final Alex Thornton beat Billy Marsden in an epic battle and in the play off Ava Harney eventually beat a masterful defensive display by Tadhg Kenny.

In the Masters section following on from their rivalry last year Daniel Sempere Strelcov took on Devin Molloy in the final with Devin coming out on top with the 3rd place going to Sam Jordan who defeated Tom Walsh.

The children will now receive chess tutoring in January and February in preparation for the tournament in late February.

New School Crib

A big thank you to Pat Kidney, grandfather of Paddy Buggy (second class), who made a lovely new crib for us this year.

This crib, alongside our beautiful Christmas tree and Advent wreath, ensure our school foyer is a welcoming, festive space.

It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas!

The tree is decorated. The crib is in place. The children are getting very excited. This week, the children entertained us with their Christmas shows. The performances were fantastic. The countdown is on!

The Army Band

On Friday, December 1st we had a lovely surprise! The army band arrived at the school. They introduced their instruments and played a selection of tunes. A few lucky children had an opportunity to conduct the band. It was a fantastic performance and it was enjoyed by staff and students!

Jack Wyer Tournament Winners 2023

Congratulations to the Ballinamere Durrow team who were winners in the Jack Wyer Memorial Hurling Tournament. Today the lads brought in the cup for us all to see! Pictured are the Ballinamere boys along with members of the Wyer family.

Science Week 2023

To celebrate Science Week Sixth Class held a science fair in the gym. All classes from Junior Infants to Fifth took part. It was a fantastic day, full of exciting experiments and fun science activities!

Cineáltas Flag

On Friday, 17th November we raised our Cineáltas flag. 

Minister Foley sent the Cineáltas Flag to us.

This flag reminds us to be kind, to show respect and to work together to prevent bullying.  

Shoe Box Appeal 

A big thank you to all for your very generous donations of Shoe Boxes for our Christmas Appeal. In all, 130 Christmas Boxes were collected. These boxes will bring much excitement and joy to less fortunate children. 

Bird Boxes!

Following a request from our Class Representatives, an additional 3 bird boxes have been made and donated by Greg Cusack to the school. For the past few years we have had blue tits nesting and raising young in a bird box at the rear of the school. We hope that next spring we will be able to accommodate multiple bird families.  

Happy Halloween!

We had a lovely day today! Everyone dressed up!

Then we had Halloween games in the gym. 

Thanks to sixth class for assisting us in all the activities!

Cumann na mBunscoil Football Final

Congratulations to the girls' football team who competed in the county final last week. They were up against Durrow N.S. It was a super game of football. The girls were fantastic and never gave up! Congratulations to Durrow who were victors on the day. Thanks to  Ms. O Sullivan, Imelda and Carina for coaching the team. 

Medieval Ink Making 

We had a fantastic day at school today! We had a visit from Dig It Kids.

The children in Third and Fifth Class enjoyed an archaeological workshop.

They learned how people made indelible ink for over a thousand years.

Each part of the ink making process was  explored. 

The children actively participated in each step of the ink preparing process.

 They then used the ink and feather quills to write their names!

Maths Week 2023

Ballinamere took part in the largest festival of maths in the world!

The students in the junior classes took part in the school challenge. Students had to solve a daily puzzle that was set for each class.

The senior classes  had a different activity every day. They enjoyed Maths trails, tangrams, dice games, board games and matchstick puzzles. 

Well done to all the children!

Learning about the Past

The children in Third Class were learning about the past.

They interviewed their grandparents to learn about life when they were young! 

Some grandparents did not have electricity when they were small. 

They used candles and oil lamps. 

Kate brought in a tilly lamp to show the class.

Class Representatives

Our new class representatives for the 2023-2024 school year had their first meeting this week. They were presented with their badges and notebooks by Ms. Cusack.  They will meet regularly to discuss how we can make our school a better place for everyone.

Time Travelling!

The children from third and fourth class had a fantastic time in Rockfield House last Thursday! They travelled back in time to the Victorian Era! Take a look at the pictures!

Colin Dunne Athletics 

Congratulations to the boys and girls who participated in the Colin Dunne Primary School's Athletics Championships. Our girls team came in second place and our boys team came third. We were the only school to have both our boys and girls teams on the podium, we are very proud. Well done to all involved.


There was great excitement in the senior classes over the last few weeks. A draughts competition was organised for third and fourth and another one for fifth and sixth. Congratulations to the finalists! Thanks to Mr Greville for organising the competition.

Camogie Champions!

Congratulations to the camogie team who put on a superb performance to win the Cumann na mBunscoil final against Crinkill,  in St Brendan's Park, Birr today. The children played with great energy,  passion, determination and lots of skill. They were just fantastic! Thanks to all our supporters who cheered us on from the stand! Well done, everyone!

Athletics Success

Congratulations to the boys and girls who represented our school so well at the recent Athletics competition in Tullamore Harriers. They were very successful and we are very proud of them.

First Holy Communion Art

The children making their First Holy Communion have made beautiful chalices and candles which really brighten up the school foyer. 

We wish them the very best of luck as they make their First Holy Communion next Saturday.

Inter Schools' Athletics

Congratulations to the boys and girls who took part in the Inter Schools'  Athletics Competition. The event was held in the Harriers last Friday, 21st April. The children competed in the sprint, long distance, relay and throwing competitions. They had a super day! Thanks to Offaly Partnership for organising the event.

Equestrian Success

Congratulations to two of our pupils from 5th and 6th class who took part in equestrian events recently representing Ballinamere N.S. They were both successful in winning rosettes and we are very proud. Well done girls!

Relay Marathon Record Breakers

Eight pupils from sixth class took part in the Pauline Curley Girls Relay Marathon last week in Tullamore Harriers. They did a fantastic job running 42kms in 200m relays. They were successful in breaking the world record time, congratulations on a fantastic achievement!

Women in Sport Week

To mark Women in Sport week, the girls from third and fourth class took part in a football blitz in the Faithful Fields on Monday last. The girls had great fun and really enjoyed the day. 

Thanks to Offaly Sports partnership for organising the blitz and for sponsoring the lovely t-shirts!

CUDA National Table Quiz

Congratulations to our Senior Quiz Team who came in joint second place in the CUDA National Table Quiz Competition on Saturday last.  A great achievement and we are very proud of them. Well done to all who helped them prepare.

Lunchtime Chess Tourmanent

Fourth, fifth and sixth class had the opportunity to take part in a lunchtime chess tournament in recent weeks. The final took place on Ash Wednesday and was a tense battle. All the children really enjoyed taking part and loved learning a new skill, congratulations to the four finalists. Thank you to Mr. Greville, Mr. Fahey and Mr. Forde for coaching them.

Credit Union Quiz

Tullamore Credit Union’s annual Primary School Table Quiz took place in the Court Hotel on Wednesday 8th February. Congratulations to the senior team who came fourth and will go forward to compete in the CUDA final. Well done also to the junior quiz team who performed very well on the night and represented our school so well.

VEX Robotics Championships

Congratulations to our pupils from 5th and 6th class who took part in the Offaly VEX IQ robotics championships. The finals took place in the Sacred Heart Secondary School in Tullamore and were a culmination of months of hard work. We are extremely proud of both teams who beat their scores from  last year. 


Congratulations to the boys and girls in 6th class who made their Confirmation last Saturday the 28th of January in Church of the Assumption, Tullamore.

 A special thanks to Ms. Guest and Ms. Quinn along with Fr. Joe Campbell who prepared them so well for the sacrament.

Fun in the Snow

We really enjoyed playing in the snow, everybody had lots of fun throwing snowballs, making snowmen and having fun with our friends. We even had an extra long playtime. It was the best day ever!

Class Representatives

Our class representatives meet with Ms. Cusack and Ms. Hogan every fortnight. At this meeting they bring forward ideas to improve school life. These ideas are discussed and decided on. On Thursday last, Father Joe presented the group with their pins.

Carol Singing

This week our fifth and sixth class went carol singing and visited Esker Rí and Tullamore hospital. They cheered up lots of patients and sang beautifully. A big thank you to Ms. Killeen our music teacher for all her help.

Christmas Shoebox Appeal

A total of 106 boxes were collected in our school for the Christmas Shoebox Appeal this year. These will bring much joy to children living in difficult conditions.  

Junior Infants with the shoeboxes!

Halloween in Ballinamere

All classes had a great day dressing up on the last day of term. We had a parade outside to show off all the fantastic costumes and then had fun and games in our classrooms.

Maths Week 2022

Ballinamere N.S. took part in the largest festival of maths in the world!  All students took part in the school challenge. In each class, students had to solve a daily puzzle. Other Maths activities such as Maths trails and games took place in each classroom. Well done to all the children!

Special Visitors!

Today we had a special visit from the Intermediate and U16 County Champions! The pupils were delighted to see the teams... especially as they gave them a day off homework next week!  Congratulations to both teams. A fantastic achievement!

Cross Country

Tullamore Harriers held the Primary Schools Cross Country Championship on Thursday last, the 6th of October.  Over 700 children from 30 primary schools participated. The children had a fantastic day! Congratulations to the third class boys' team who came third, the third class girls' team who came second and the sixth class boys' team who were placed first.  Well done to all the boys and girls from 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th  who took part in the races!

School Tour

Third and Fourth Class

On Monday 13th June, Third and Fourth Class went on their school tour to Let's Go! in Athlone.  We took part in lots of activities such as archery, wobbly ladders, super slides, climbing wall, KMX Karts, Zorbee ball and wrecking ball.  We had a fantastic day!

First Holy Communion

Congratulations to the boys and girls in second class who received their First Holy Communion on Saturday the 14th May.  Special thank you to Fr. Joe for the lovely ceremony and to Ms. Buggy the class teacher for preparing them so well. Our choir, under the direction of Ms. O'Sullivan were fantastic.  A big thank you to everybody involved. 

VEX Robotics Championship

Students from 5th and 6th class have been very busy designing, building, and coding their VEX IQ robots since the start of the school year as part of their STEM lessons. They attended a competition in O’Connor Park where they competed against 50 other schools in the region. They had a great (albeit wet) day and represented our school extremely well. 

FAI 5 a Side Soccer

Pupils from 4th, 5th and 6th class really enjoyed participating in the Spar FAI primary school 5 a side competition over the last few weeks. The whole school gathered outside to watch the very exciting finals. Well done to all involved and a big thanks to Mr. Fahey, Mr. Forde and Mr. Greville  who helped organize it.

World Book Day in Senior Infants

We had a great World Book Day in senior infants. Everybody brought in their favourite book and shared it with us. We did paired reading with second class and we even made our own mini-books and book marks. 

Butter Making

Third Class had a very exciting day today! Geraldine brought in a hand churn and showed us how to make butter. Geraldine told us how she used to make it at home when she was a little girl. We really enjoyed helping her! It was fascinating to see how the churn worked. It was lovely to see the buttermilk and also to taste the delicious homemade butter. Special thanks to Geraldine for teaching us how to make butter. Thanks also to Sharon for supplying the cream.

A Visit from the Postman

Senior infants were so excited when Postman Ciarán came to visit. They had been learning all about the Post Office in Aistear and got to ask him lots of questions. They even helped him to empty the letters from the letter box across the road. Thank you for visiting us Ciarán!

Christmas Shoebox Appeal

The Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal was a great success this year. We received 124 shoeboxes which will be donated to less fortunate children around the world this Christmas. Thank you for your generosity and support.

Halloween Dress Up 

All classes made a huge effort dressing up for Halloween this year.  There were lots of spooky characters and some not so spooky! Well done to everybody.

Halloween Performance

Here is a video of first class, with the help of Ms. Killeen, performing their Halloween songs. They sound fantastic!

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Congratulations to the boys and girls from last year's sixth class who were confirmed last Saturday, October 2nd in the Church of the Assumption, Tullamore.  We wish them all the best in their new schools!

First Holy Communion

Congratulations to the children from Third Class who received their First Holy Communion on Saturday 18th September.

Special thanks to Fr. Joe and Fr. Séan for a lovely ceremony.

€1,520 raised for the Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association

Well done to the pupils of 6th class who raised an incredible €1,520 for the IMNDA. They ran a mini company where they designed and published a cookbook. It is a fantastic achievement and we are very proud of them.

The Three Little Pigs

Third Class gave a fantastic performance today of  The Three Little Pigs by Roald Dahl. Well done to all the cast! A special thank you to our director Ms O'Donovan!

The Claret Jug 

We were so lucky to have the Claret Jug visit our school. Brendan Lowry, Shane Lowry's Dad brought it to the playground where all classes got to see it. We saw Shane's name engraved on it too. It was very exciting!

The May Bush

Second class did a fantastic job creating  a May Bush this week in school.  They handmade lots of lovely ribbon decorations and wild flowers to bring us all luck. It looks really beautiful in the playground.

6th Class Hoodies

6th class received their hoodies this week that they designed and had made. They chose blue hoodies this year with white writing and they look great in them!

St. Patrick's Day Assembly

We had great weather for our outdoor assembly for St. Patrick's Day. We celebrated by singing "Ireland's Call" together and 6th class showed the rest of the school how to sign "Ireland's Call" using Irish Sign Language. 

Charity Run and Dance-a-Thon

Last Tuesday,15th December we had a fantastic day full of fun! The senior classes started the day with a run! They walked to Ballinamere pitch and then completed a 5k run around the walking track! First and Second class had a lovely walk as far as the canal. The Junior and Senior Infants stayed local! After a much deserved break the Dance-A-Thon followed! A special thank you to all who supported this fundraiser for the homeless. A total of €1,250 was raised. Well done to everyone!

Texaco Art Competition

Well done to Laura Guinan in Third Class who won a Special Merit Award in the Texaco Art Competition for her fantastic Koala Bear! Congratulations Laura!

Science week in 6th class

For science week this year we focused on the force of gravity. Children were set a challenge to design and make an egg parachute from recycled materials. We brought the parachutes outside and dropped them from a height to test them out. We had great fun and not too many eggs were broken!

First Holy Communion

Congratulations to the children from Third Class who received their First Holy Communion on Saturday 19th September.

Third Place for Credit Union Quiz Team!

The CUDA Quiz final took place on Saturday, 7th March in Blanchardstown.

Congratulations to the Senior Quiz team who put in a superb performance in the competition!

They scored 91 out of a possible 100, just one point behind the joint winners!

A fantastic achievement! Well done to all involved!

Photo Credit: Tullamore Credit Union 

National Become an Engineer Week

The children of Ballinamere were delighted to receive a visit from four real life engineers as part of National Become an Engineer Week. Present and future pupil’s Daddies Ray Bell, Stephen Healy, Joe Gaffey and John Brennan visited the school on Wednesday March 4th to explain what engineering is and what engineers do. All classes listened to a presentation and watched videos explaining all about the varied and important work of the engineer. The children found this STEM initiative both informative and enjoyable. As part of ‘Be an Engineer for a Day’, the children designed, built and operated catapults and launched marshmallows great distances.

Special thanks to John, Joe, Stephen and Ray for giving up their time and sharing their expertise. Maybe a great invention will come from the mind of someone inspired by these events. Pictured below are Principal Miss Cusack, our expert engineers and Fifth Class enjoying the day.

Credit Union Quiz Success

Tullamore Credit Union’s annual Primary School Table Quiz took place in the Court Hotel on Wednesday 12th February.

Congratulations to the Senior Team who put in a superb performance and scooped the top prize in the competition!

They will now compete in the Cuda final on March 7th in Blanchardstown. Best of luck to all involved!

Well done also to the Junior Quiz Team who performed well on the night!

Swimming Success

Well done to Peter who competed in the recent Schools’ Swimming Competition.

He came eleventh and we are delighted with his success.


Manga High Winners

Congratulations to the children who received a medal from Manga High for their work during Maths Week.

The eleven children scored more than 150 points in the Maths Week competition.

Well done to Daragh, Lily, Eoin, Jack, Ronan, Ciarán, Rory, Alice,Caitlin, Isabelle and Seosamh.

Medal Presentation

Congratulations to the Boys’ and Girls’ Football Teams who received their county medals last week.

Well done to all the panel! A special thank you to the coaches Alan, Carina, Ms. O Sullivan, Mr Forde and Mr Fahy.

County Champions!

Congratulations to the Ballinamere/ Durrow U18 County Champions and to the U20 Hurling Champions who visited our school recently.

Thank you!

A big thank you to Freda and Martin Flanagan, grandparents of Eoin and Aaron in Second Class, who donated €1,400 to our Esker Centre. Freda made a beautiful patchwork quilt which she raffled and Martin organised a motorbike run. Some bikers joined Martin and Freda for the presentation and rode their bikes around the school yard to the delight of our pupils! Their donation is very much appreciated.

County Champions!

The county finals took place on Tuesday 22nd and Wednesday 23rd of October in O’Connor Park, Tullamore.

The boys were up against Edenderry. They played very well and claimed the shield. Well done to all the lads!

Congratulations also to the girls who played against Rahan. They had a superb game and brought home the cup. A special thank you to Carina, Alan, Mr. Forde, Mr Fahey, Ms. O’Sullivan and Ms. Brennan.

Shoebox Appeal

Thank you all so much for your generous shoebox donations for children in need this Christmas!

Maths Week 2019

Ballinamere took part in the largest festival of maths in the world!

Many of the classes took part in the Ninja Maths Challenge on Mangahigh.

All students took part in the school challenge. Students had to solve a daily puzzle that was set for each class.

Other Maths activities such as Maths trails and games took place in each classroom.

Well done to all the children!

Cross Country 2019

Congratulations to the boys and girls who participated in the Cross Country Competition. This competition took place in the Harriers on Tuesday 1st October. A total of 48 children from third class to sixth class entered the competition. Well done to the medal winners – Ruby, Alice and Niamh. Congrats also to the girls from Third Class and the girls from Sixth Class who came in second place overall in their respective races. Well done to all involved!